Kokningsrekommendation av dricksvatten
En kokningsrekommendation av dricksvattnet råder just för ett tiotal fastigheter på Sollerön, på grund av en akut vattenläcka.

About the integration unit

Mora Kommuns section for newcomers have a reception where we give support and service to all newcomers in Mora Kommun. You can come and visit us if you have letters in swedish that you dont understand or any other question. In our reception we help you with swedish community information, advice and guidance.

We can help you in the contact with different swedish authorities. We can guide you to the right authority and explain how it works with applications and
different rules.

You find our reception at Engelbrektsväg 7 Hus T.

Wednesday and Thursdays we accept booked meetings.

You can book your meeting by contacting any of us integration coordinators by phone or mail us at integration@mora.se.

Senast uppdaterad: 26 May 2023